The real estate concepts within this site are covered in the book Private Real Estate Investment written by mathestate founder Roger J. Brown, CCIM, Ph.D. The menu of chapter titles to the left summarizes principles employed by the modern real estate investor. New York University's Real Estate Institute published a review of the first edition by Hugh Kelly, CRE in Volume 3, No. 90. Oxford Brookes University professor Nick French also reviewed the first edition, published by Emerald Journal: Journal of Property Investment & Finance in 2005, Volume 24, No. 5.
Private Real Estate Investment is the first book to offer a rigorous analytical explanation of the dynamics of real estate investment from the standpoint of the individual investor. The book includes data sets, analysis tools and interactive exercises in Excel and Mathematica format. Read the Preface to the third edition to determine which version is right for you. Once you have done that if you decide the electronic only CDF formatted third edition is best, click here to download a zip file of the entire book in that format.
Rigor aside, no book on a technical subject is printed the first time without errors. For errata discovered in the first edition, please click here. Your author is mortified by these errors and hopes diligent readers will continue to report such findings (to rjb at in the hope that he someday gets it right!